
Leading our nation’s capital continues to be one of the greatest privileges of my life. Undoubtedly, the best part of the job is having the opportunity to meet and serve Londoners across our city. Our communities are a constant source of inspiration – a reminder that our city is a place of energetic, caring and creative people with boundless promise.

Eight years ago, when I was given the chance to serve, I vowed to be a Mayor for all Londoners. Every day since, I have strived to put that principle into practice.

We’ve stepped up to help Londoners through the cost-of-living crisis by providing, for the first time ever, universal free school meals to all state primary pupils in our city, and introducing yet another annual TfL fares freeze. Under Labour, London is building again. We’ve started more new council homes than at any time since the 1970s, completed more homes than at any time since the 1930s, and we’re building a record number of homes that Londoners can truly afford.

Our city is a place where you can be who you are, worship who you want to worship and love who you want to love – a home for everyone.

By reducing toxic air pollution by nearly half in central London, and planting more than half a million trees, we’ve become a beacon of environmental and climate progress the world over. We’ve made getting around London more affordable, quicker and greener by delivering the Hopper bus fare, the Elizabeth line and the largest zero-emission bus fleet in western Europe.

We’ve invested record amounts in neighbourhood policing, funded 1,300 additional police officers, and set up England’s first Violence Reduction Unit, which has helped provide more than 500,000 positive opportunities for young Londoners. We’ve put the Metropolitan Police Service on the path to meaningful, lasting reform so it can command the trust of all Londoners. And, as Mayor, I’ve loudly and proudly stood up for London’s diverse communities.

Our city is a place where you can be who you are, worship who you want to worship and love who you want to love – a home for everyone.

These are some of the strides London has taken over the last eight years, and this manifesto is our chance to continue the progress we have made.

With the prospect of a Labour government on the horizon, this mayoral election can also be the first step toward a decade of national renewal. Since the rebirth of London’s government at the turn of the century, we’ve only enjoyed the partnership of a Labour Mayor working with a Labour Prime Minister for four years. But in that time, London secured the Olympics, started Crossrail and built over 8,000 social rented homes in one year. I’m excited about what we can achieve together.

This is a once in a generation moment – a chance to change people’s lives for good and for better. We can finally turn the tide on the housing crisis, invest in our public services once again and provide all young Londoners with the opportunities they need to thrive. We can embrace the massive potential of the green economy to cut energy bills, create jobs and safeguard the future of our planet. And we can finish the job of reforming the Met and ensure London stands proud as the safest and most diverse global city in the world.

With the prospect of a Labour government on the horizon, this mayoral election can also be the first step towards a decade of national renewal.

Every election is a choice. On 2 May, we must decide whether to continue going forwards or risk sliding back.

This election is a close two-horse race between me and the Tory candidate, who talks London down at every opportunity, who seeks to divide rather than unite our communities, and who clearly doesn’t share London’s values. And we don’t have to imagine what the Tories would do to London – the disasters they’ve wreaked on our country over 14 years in government tell us everything we need to know. Their legacy is one of catastrophic decisions which sent rents and mortgages skyrocketing. A Tory botched Brexit which has weakened both our economy and our standing in the world. An austerity programme that has caused crises in our NHS, schools, care homes, the police and beyond. And at every turn, they’ve attempted to sow division and discord within our communities.

We can’t allow the Tories to do to our capital what they’ve done to our country.

Now is the time to build on our success. We have the capacity to make our city even greater, but only with a Labour Mayor who is on the side of Londoners.

This manifesto sets out how we can tackle inequality and meet the huge challenges that still face our city, with bold, fresh and exciting commitments that will not only support Londoners through the cost-of-living crisis right now, but build a brighter future for us all.

London gave me the opportunities to go from the council estate where I grew up to being Mayor of the greatest city on earth. And I’m more determined than ever to ensure that all Londoners – irrespective of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, class or background – get the same shot at fulfilling their potential.

So let’s continue to build a better London for everyone – a city that is fairer, safer, greener, more prosperous and more affordable for all our communities. 

Together, and with a Labour government, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.

Sadiq Khan

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